Život se neměří počtem nádechů, ale počtem momentů, které berou dech.
Nezapomenutelný zážitek, program šitý na míru klientům, budování vztahů s klienty.
Zlepšení komunikace týmu, utužování kolektivu, nečekané zážitky, aktivní odpočinek.
Vytipování lokací, příprava promo plánu, zajištění promo týmu a hostesek.
Jedinečné eventy v zahraničí, Formule 1, rafting, Porsche Lipsko.
Akce pro desítky ale i tisíce lidí, zajímavé prostory, originální program šitý na míru.
Konference a výstavy dle vašich představ, technické zajištění, návrh programu.
Sportainment Company Ltd. is a family agency, which operates on the czech market since 2005. It focuses on the production of various events such as corporate events , teambuilding , parties, road shows and promotions. With many years of experience and family access , we can always guarantee quality and reliable work. At each event we attended in person so everything can be without any problems. We are a great team with a great deal of interest , making a constantly expanding horizons and discover something new.
We have a proven suppliers , organizers reliable and strong background. We strive to provide our clients with ever new ideas, original and still undiscovered places and unforgettable experiences. We can organize an event for a small group , as well as actions for a large company with multiple employees. All adapted to your needs and budget . For a job well done consider it when it is at the end of the event the client happy.
Světlana Kratochvílová
Managing director
Telefon: +420 775 213 064
E-mail: svetlana@sportainment.cz
Kateřina Kratochvílová
Account manager
Tel: +420 775 236 431
Email: katka@sportainment.cz
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